Academic Forms
Registration/Records Forms
Students' academic forms
Use this directory link to contact your department for assistance with the approval process:
Form Title | Form Description |
Application for CSU Intrasystem Concurrent Enrollment (PDF) |
This form is used to enroll in a course at any CSU campus to meet their degree requirements through the concurrent enrollment process.
Students must complete this form and submit it to the Bronco Advising Center at before the first day of the requested term of enrollment. Students should also check the host campus registration timeline before submitting this application. |
Application for CSU Intrasystem Visitor Enrollment (PDF) |
This form is to enroll in a course at any CSU campus to meet their degree requirements through the visitor enrollment process.
Students must complete this form and submit it to the Bronco Advising Center at before the first day of the requested term of enrollment. Students should also check the host campus registration timeline before submitting this application. |
Application for Cross Enrollment (PDF) |
This form is to enroll in a course at a California Community College (CCC) or UC to meet their degree requirements through the Cross Enrollment process.
Students must complete this form and submit it to the Bronco Advising Center at before the first day of the requested term of enrollment. Students should also check the host campus registration timeline before submitting this application. |
Change of Information Form (PDF) | This form is used to request an official name, social security number, birthdate change, contact information changes. Complete this form, upload it along with two copies of government-issued supporting documentation by using our secure file upload system. |
Change of Major or Option Form (E-form) |
This E-Form is used to switch to a new Major or Option. Please review the Change of Major requirements on the Change of Major Guide before submitting the form. After you’ve confirmed you completed the requirements, please submit the Change of Major or Option E-form. If you have questions, contact your college advising center or contact the Bronco Advising Center |
Change of Minor and Minor Course Substitutions/Electives Selection (BroncoDirect) |
A student may log into BroncoDirect Student Center to submit a request to add/drop/change a minor, select minor course electives outside of those already approved, or request minor course substitutions. Please review the Steps to Declaring a Minor and consult with your minor coordinator before submitting the request. To contact the department minor coordinator, please click on this link: department minor coordinator. Instruction guide for Change of Minor in BroncoDirect for Students (PDF). NOTE: Students may declare up to two minors in addition to their primary major if all academic programs can be completed within 24 semester units above the number of units required for their primary major (ex: a student must complete both their major and minor(s) within 144 units, if their primary major requires 120 units). If adding the minor will cause the student to exceed the 24 unit limit, students should meet with their academic advisor to initiate a General Academic Petition. |
Course Auditing Form (PDF) | This form is used to change course status from credit to audit. |
Course Substitution or Acceptance of Transfer Coursework |
This form is used to replace an approved CPP or transfer course equivalency for a student. Academic advisors must initiate the Course Substitution or Acceptance of Transfer Coursework Petition for students. Please visit your academic advisor to submit the petition. |
Credit by Examination Form (PDF) | This form is used when a regularly enrolled student wants to obtain university credit for subject matter when a student qualifies through nontraditional education or experience (requires digital signatures, you must download and save the file to add your digital signature). |
Curriculum Year Change Request E-form | This form is used to change the curriculum year to the time of attendance/start of instruction OR time of graduation. Graduation application must be filed in conjunction with the time of graduation option. |
FERPA Authorize to Release (BroncoDirect Student Center) | Students may log into their BroncoDirect Student Center to complete the FERPA Authorize to Release and indicate the type of records may be released within the allotted timeframe. Click to view the How to Complete a FERPA Authorize to Release (PDF) instructions. |
FERPA - Request to Review/Amend Education Records (PDF) | This form is used for requesting to review or amend education records. |
FERPA - Request to Withhold Directory Information (PDF) | This form is used for withholding "directory information" including student name, email addresses, major field or study, enrollment status, date of attendance, degree/awards received, etc. |
General Academic Petition |
Academic advisors must initiate the General Academic Petition for students. Please visit your advisor to submit the petition. General Academic Petitions should only be used for non-course substitution reasons, with a couple exceptions. This includes:
Grade Extension Petition for “I” or “RP” | The Instructor of Record must initiate the Grade Extension Petition for "I" or "RP" for the student. Please schedule a meeting with your instructor of record to complete the petition. |
Grade Forgiveness Through Course Repetition (PDF) | This form is used to petition a course for grade forgiveness that is NOT on the Quarter-to-Semester (Q2S) Conversion guide. For a regular grade forgiveness update, see your BAC Advisor. |
This form is used to request an Incomplete "I" grade and the instructor creates an Incomplete Agreement for the student to accept. |
Leave of Absence Petition (E-form) |
This form is used when a student finds it necessary to break enrollment for more than one term due to professional/academic opportunities, medical, or financial reasons. International students are reminded that immigration laws governing their visas do not allow them to take advantage of the “stop-out” university policy. International students should always consult with the International Student Advisor before attempting any leave of absence. Refer to the catalog for more information: University Catalog - Enrollment Services. |
Optional Credit/No Credit Grading Request (PDF) | This form is used to elect a grade of Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) basis in courses designed by the Catalog as approved for optional grading. |
Petition to Exceed Unit Cap (E-Form) |
This form is used to increase unit load by over 18 units for fall or spring semester, 12 units for summer term, and 6 units for winter term. The Registrar’s Office processes the request during the Add/Drop period ONLY. Students must obtain a permission number from the class instructor once the class reaches capacity. Courses with a requisite or requires special consent, contact the department coordinator. |
Petition to Waive Restrictions on Course Repeats (E-form) |
This form is to repeat a course when a student has received a “C” or higher grade OR repeat after three (3) attempts. The Registrar’s Office processes the request during the Add/Drop period ONLY. |
Schedule Conflict Override Petition (BroncoDirect) |
Students may log into BroncoDirect Student Center to submit a Schedule Conflict Override request. This request is used when two class meeting times overlap, and the student has permission to attend both classes (may be submitted during the general registration period or add/drop period). This request will be reviewed, requested, and enrolled by the course instructors and the department chair. The Permission to Add process gives students the ability to request course enrollment permission such as closed class, requisite not met, department/instructor consent, and/or schedule conflict in BroncoDirect. For more information click the link Permission to Add. Instruction guide for Schedule Conflict and Permission to Add Guide (PDF). |
Log into E-Forms using your BroncoName credentials. Your username may appear capitalized; however, your password is still case sensitive.
Mac laptop or computer users should use Chrome or Firefox to access OnBase forms.
iPad or iPhone users (Safari browser) will not be able to access OnBase on these devices. Please use a laptop or desktop computer or visit the Bronco Advising Center for assistance.
Additional Forms
Before submitting a withdrawal petition, you are encouraged to:
- Consult with your faculty member for ways to complete your course requirements.
- Consult with your advisor regarding the impact on your time to degree.
- Consult with the Bronco Advising Center or Financial Aid & Scholarships to understand the impact on your financial aid package.
Form Title | Form Description |
Withdrawal for Serious and Compelling Reasons Form (E-form) | The form is used to withdraw for serious and compelling reasons after the 20th day through the 12th week of instruction. After week 12th, the student must visit the BAC to explore options. |
Log into E-Forms using your BroncoName credentials. Your username may appear capitalized; however, your password is still case sensitive.
Mac laptop or computer users should use Chrome or Firefox to access OnBase forms.
iPad or iPhone users (Safari browser) will not be able to access OnBase on these devices. Please use a laptop or desktop computer or visit the Bronco Advising Center for assistance.
Form Title | Form Description |
Diploma Name Request (BroncoDirect) |
Log into BroncoDirect Student Center to submit a Diploma Name Request, if you wish your diploma or certificate name to differ from the Primary/Legal Name listed in CPP records. If you have submitted a request and need to make corrections (such as adding special characters, accents, or fixing errors in spacing or upper/lower case letters), complete the Diploma Name Request Form and email it to All diploma name requests must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office before your degree is awarded to ensure the correct name appears on your diploma. For detailed information, please visit the Diploma/Certificate webpage |
Log into E-Forms using your BroncoName credentials. Your username may appear capitalized; however, your password is still case sensitive.
Mac laptop or computer users should use Chrome or Firefox to access OnBase forms.
iPad or iPhone users (Safari browser) will not be able to access OnBase on these devices. Please use a laptop or desktop computer or visit the Bronco Advising Center for assistance.
Form Title Form Description Graduate Academic Petition (E-form) The form is to request a change status, a modification to program of study or curriculum, transfer coursework for degree credit, or waive residency requirements. [For Graduates Only]. Change/Add Degree Objective (Eform) Continuing unconditional graduate students must file this petition when: Please note that students in a state-support master’s program who want to request to change to a CPGE self-support master’s program and vice versa must submit a new graduate admissions application through Cal State Apply (for a future term). Only students going from a state-support to another state-support and from a self-support to another self-support master’s program may use the petition to change/add graduate degree objective.
- Changing from one major field to another for the master’s degree (State to State or Self-Support to Self-Support)
- Changing from a certificate/credential objective to a master’s degree objective (to a state side approved program)
- Adding a master’s degree to a credential program on the state side
- Changing Educational Leadership Doctoral Program (Ed.D.) Option
- This form should be submitted by student at least one semester prior to the effective term request.
Report of Culminating Experience (E-form) This report certifies that a graduate student has completed all components of the Culminating Experience for the designated degree as specified in the University Catalog.
- This form is filed electronically by the project, thesis, or dissertation committee chair or the designated faculty member certifying completion of the culminating experience and maintained by the Registrar’s Office as part of the student’s permanent file.
Request by an Undergraduate for Graduate Credit (PDF) This petition is to request graduate credit in upper division and 5000-level courses. [For Undergraduate Students only]
Form Title | Form Description |
VA Student Education Plan (PDF) | Education plan for CPP students using military educational benefits. |
Statement of Responsibility (PDF) | Outlines the responsibilities of CPP students using military educational benefits. |
Contact Information (PDF) | Contact information needed to setup military educational benefits at CPP. |
Log into E-Forms using your BroncoName credentials. Your username may appear capitalized; however, your password is still case sensitive.
Mac laptop or computer users should use Chrome or Firefox to access OnBase forms.
iPad or iPhone users (Safari browser) will not be able to access OnBase on these devices. Please use a laptop or desktop computer or visit the Bronco Advising Center for assistance.